HAPPY FOUNDERS DAY! In 1870, four pioneering college women established Kappa Alpha Theta Fraternity, the first Greek-letter fraternity for women.
"I dream of the endless possibilities for the good and close friendship that this fraternity makes possible through the years, and it awes me a little to think that I had a part in starting it. Just think. If it grows and multiplies, it may someday bring together into sisterly relationship women from all parts of the country who have never seen each other before, who are all friends, because of Theta." ~Bettie Locke Hamilton

"Each year on January 27, we celebrate not only our founders but also all the Thetas who have followed them, the more than 200,000 women who have ensured the continuation of our founders' dreams. Thetas are pioneers... role models... philanthropists... mentors... champions... innovators. We aspire to excellence; we strive for wide and wise human service; we help one another achieve lifelong opportunities for social, intellectual, and moral growth; we define the path for future generations of women. And we are loyal sisters, standing together throughout one anther's lives." (Source-Theta Fraternity Blog)
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