
Thursday, February 7, 2013

Theta Thursday: Founder's Day 2013

Happy 143rd birthday Theta!

Every year, Theta's across the world come together to celebrate Founder's Day, a day to remember the founding members of our Fraternity: Betty Lock, Alice Allen, Bettie Tipton and Hannah Fitch. It's a time to give thanks for our past, examine our present, and look ahead into our future.

Technically, Founder's Day was January 27, but this past weekend the Des Moines Alumni Chapter hosted a Founders Day Brunch and we celebrated our Fraternity history-with cake, of course. This is after all, a birthday party of sorts.

We also took some pictures-above is my big, Jess (she's Momma Jess to me, as I am Baby Jess), me, my grand-little Hannah, and my grand-big Meredith. Aren't we cute? 4 generations of Bunnies :)

Yes, Theta is a sorority, and yes sororities are a college thing, but they're telling the truth when they say "Theta for a Lifetime." When I graduate, I won't say I was a Theta, I will say I am a Theta. And that lifetime relationship with my sisters means more than 4 years of college fun.

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